Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcycles can be an exciting way to get around, but because of their small size and difficult handling, motorcycle accidents can happen suddenly and without warning. When they do, the injuries can be significant, and the recoveries can be prolonged.

Even careful, responsible motorcyclists can find themselves in an accident. Contact the Austin motorcycle accident lawyers at Pastrana & García Injury Law with any questions about significant injuries from a motorcycle accident. We’re here to help you recover financially while you heal from your accident.

The Sobering Statistics of Motorcycle Crashes in Rules for Motorcyclists

Across the United States, motorcycle deaths have been on the rise, with the country witnessing over 5,900 deaths in 2021. Texas saw an 8% increase in deaths from motorcycle accidents in 2022, with a tragically high number of 562. Because the majority of motorcycle accidents occur around urban areas, you must stay aware as you travel. And with these growing numbers, protecting yourself on the road is important.

Types of Motorcycle Accidents

When looking at the types of motorcycle accidents commonly seen, statistics often look at how many vehicles were involved in the crash.

  • A single-vehicle crash involves just the motorcycle, whose accident may have been caused by another careless driver.
  • A two-vehicle crash or multi-vehicle crash involves the motorcycle and at least one other vehicle.

Breaking down multi-vehicle accidents more specifically, a motorcycle may be involved in the following types of accidents:

  • A rear-end crash
  • A side-swipe
  • A T-bone collision
  • A head-on collision

Two-vehicle crashes between a motorcycle and one other vehicle were the leading type of fatal motorcycle accident in 2021. While any accident is dangerous for motorcyclists, head-on collisions are extremely deadly.

When accidents happen, immediately reach out to your local motorcycle accident attorneys in Austin for their help. Our team is here during your difficult time.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Some factors make operating a motorcycle riskier and can put the motorcycle driver and others on the road at significant risk. Limit these behaviors or risks you have control over in your driving.

  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Driving while drowsy
  • Driving while distracted
  • Speeding
  • Improper motorcycle maintenance
  • Weather conditions
  • Careless turns or lane-changing
  • Other vehicles crowding the lane
  • Engage in dangerous behavior, like weaving between vehicles or lane-splitting

Of note, one of the deadliest places for motorcyclists is intersections. Checking twice before making a turn could save lives. Operating a motorcycle takes as much care as operating any other vehicle, and those in larger, better-protected vehicles need to be on the lookout for two-wheeled road companions.

Risks Associated with Motorcycle Accidents

While fatalities are high for motorcycle accidents, injury rates are enormous, specifically long-lasting injuries that need rehabilitation. The severity of motorcycle injuries, due to the unprotected nature of the vehicle, means that injuries often take much longer to heal. It may not only be weeks or months but years for healing to occur, if ever. In dire circumstances, recovery might mean learning to live with chronic pain, traumatic brain injuries, or loss of movement in a victim’s limbs.

Because accidents of this magnitude are traumatic, your motorcycle accident lawyers in Austin will work with you on your case with compassion and understanding. We understand that the long-lasting effects of your accident and injuries aren’t only physical but emotional. PTSD, anxiety, and depression have been known to occur or increase in people who have experienced catastrophic events. We provide compassionate, empathetic counsel as you’re recovering.

Statutes of Limitations and Motorcycle Injuries

Some accident victims feel they want to recover before embarking on a legal battle; however, because the statute of limitations is only two years for personal injuries in Texas, we advise you to call us immediately if you’ve been involved in an accident. Two years is a short time in terms of recovery, and you want the facts, witnesses, and information as accurate as possible. We know it’s a difficult road to balance healing and filing a personal injury claim, so we’re here beside you every step of the way.

What Sort of Damages Are Caused by Motorcycle Accidents?

While motorcycle fatalities are high, injuries caused by motorcycle accidents are higher. In 2021, motorcycle injuries were nearly 14 times that of the fatalities, reaching nearly 83,000. Here are just a few of the injuries motorcyclists can face:

  • Broken bones
  • Fractures
  • Road burn
  • Concussions
  • Loss of limbs
  • Nerve or tendon damage
  • Spinal cord injuries

The seriousness of the injuries can be life-changing. Medical bills for initial injuries, plus other bills for further treatments, such as skin grafts for road burns, can add up quickly. This is not to mention physical therapy, rehabilitation, or continuing care, which can range into astronomical prices. It’s essential to consult with your trusted Austin motorcycle accident attorney to ensure you’re receiving a fair payout from insurance companies.

What Damages Can I Recover After a Motorcycle Accident?

We take great care to work towards full compensation for damages, present and future, when calculating what you’re owed after a motorcycle accident. We may include:

  • Compensation for lost wages during and after the accident
  • All medical bills, including continuing or future care needs
  • Emotional damages, including pain and suffering, and any needed therapy

Our legal team works tirelessly because our aim is for you to receive appropriate compensation. It’s important that, as a motorcyclist, you make sure you are engaging in safe, legal behavior on the road. Texas is a contributory negligence state, meaning that your monetary compensation will decrease the more at fault you are. Practice safe roadway habits.

What You Can Do to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents?

Everyone plays a part in keeping others on the road safe. As an operator of a motor vehicle, make sure you follow the tips below:

  • Stay alert
  • Don’t drive drunk, under the influence of drugs, drowsy, or distracted
  • Double-check before changing lanes or turning
  • Reduce your speed and stay within posted limits
  • Give enough space between vehicles to slow down and stop if unexpected events occur

As a motorcyclist, protect yourself by:

  • Wearing a helmet. Studies show that helmets are 37% effective in protecting motorcyclists from fatal accidents, and if you’re under 21, it’s illegal not to wear a helmet. Even if you’re over 21, you must fulfill other requirements before removing your helmet.
  • Protect your body by wearing the proper gear. This can include footwear, goggles, jackets, and other protective equipment.
  • Do not weave between cars to pass them. Drive at a reasonable speed and make sure other drivers can see you.
  • Make sure everything is in working order. Perform routine maintenance on your motorcycle to ensure everything is working.
  • Follow all traffic laws. Driving predictably is critical in avoiding accidents.
  • Be careful at intersections. Pay particular attention to other vehicles. Remember, they might not be paying attention.
  • Stay alert and stay focused. It takes everyone to work towards safer roadways.

Stay Updated on Texas Law

Texas law, stated in Statute 545.065, now makes it illegal for motorcyclists to pass cars in the same lane as they are trying to pass or weave between lanes and cars to pass them. Known as lane-splitting, this dangerous driving technique was outlawed on September 1, 2023. However, motorcycles now have full lane rights, and while they may share a lane with one other motorcycle, they may not do so with another vehicle.

Contact Your Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Motorcycle accidents can be life-changing events for the victims and their families. We work hard for your compensation. Physical, emotional, and mental damages from injuries can make it difficult for life to return to a normal state after an accident. Still, we’re here to help pave the way so your recovery can be as smooth as possible.

Contact the professional, compassionate legal team at Pastrana & García Injury Law if you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, and we’ll guide you through the personal injury process. Reach out online or call us at 512-474-4487 to get started.

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